Monday, March 24, 2008

Icing on the Cake and Purple Cornflower Seeds in my Gas and Water Bill!

Every cloud has a silver lining. Every spring semester at most schools has a Spring Break. And my last gas and water bill had a bag of Purple Coneflower seeds in it! And no, they are not to plant on your grave when you die of shock from seeing how high your gas bill is! It's actually a bid by the Purple Coneflowers for State Flowers to win Nebraskans over to a new state flower, since the goldenrod, the current state flower, is considered by some, to be a weed.


michele said...

Aaron, I love your blog! What the heck are you doing in PhD school?? You should be a writer. I'm serious!! You're so very creative...

by Aaron Read said...

Why thank you! One of the reasons I'm in PhD school is to learn how to write :).

merrilykaroly said...

I wish they'd put sunflower seeds in our gas and water bill. Yum.

Janell said...

Spring break? What's that? I've never heard of a spring break before.

bjd said...

As an avid flower fan I'm quite envious of those seeds. What a delight.