Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cicada Killer Wasps!!!

I walked outside today to check the mail (even though I had already taken it in myself), and get the trash cans back in. Right as I stepped out I heard a very strange, attempt at cicada buzz, sounding much like it was running out of batteries. At the same time something plopped onto the ground. I was to discover, that indeed, the sound I heard was the dying gasps (or clicks) of a massive cicada.

......thundering applause and a standing ovation.......

But, Hark!!! Here is the picture that I took of this heroic monstrosity.

Here is Wikipedia's version. I think I saw a female. I also saw it FLY OFF carrying the dead cicada THROUGH THE AIR!

This is not the first time I have been successful in my extremely adept bugicide investigations. I have also discovered Bee killers as well. Look at the Wikipedia article.... wait.... I can't find the wikipedia article!!! 2,468,249 articles as of this writing and there isn't one on bee killers!!!! sick out. Well never mind. I did more research. It's actually a Robber Fly. Look that up.


Nicole said...

Our house is swarming with wasp nests. I wasn't sure if they were wasps, because they look different from the wasps of Utah.

It's not really swarming, per se. They've made many many nests on our house. Jerks! Maybe the winter will kill them.

Thanks for doing the leg work, Asterix.

by Aaron Read said...

I feel obligated to show you this: http://www.showmejoe.com/thriller/thriller.htm. If winter doesn't work, break out the tennis racket.

merrilykaroly said...

So...I saw this post a long time ago, but I'm not very partial to insects...

Just waiting for your next blog post! Are you still alive?

Larissa said...

AARON - I am really perturbed that you don't post more - WHY? Why, also, haven't I seen you in years? I'll be at the Denver airport on Thursday and again on Friday - remember once upon a time when we ran into each other there. *sigh*

by Aaron Read said...

Maybe you should start making sure your layovers are in Omaha. Ha! Like that ever happens.

Janell said...

I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks cicadas run on batteries.